Seach Engine Optimization / SEO 

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How do you know if your SEO is working?

According to Forbes Magazine, “To know if your SEO efforts are working you must create detailed tracking processes to gain the necessary insight. Google Analytics is free, and a great place to start…(Harrison, 2018)”  Forbes recommends that website owners create conversion goals around website visitor behavior such as contact page visits, form fills, and email signups, and not just on web leads or orders placed.

SEO Results Gallery. Click Image To Launch Slideshow. 



Can you do SEO yourself?

It is possible to do your own SEO work.  There are literally hundreds of thousands, or even millions of pages on the web about how to do SEO.  The basics are fairly simple.  However, doing this work yourself is frustrating and time consuming.  It is difficult because it takes years to learn to do SEO correctly.  You are much better off doing what you do best that helps your business succeed, and getting an SEO professional to do the SEO work.

BIGMARK Digital Marketing can help you with this because we consistently rank our website design and SEO clients on page one at Google for valuable keywords.  When you are on page one at Google, your website will get more traffic, generate more leads, and produce more sales.

How do you select an SEO service provider? 

Google it!  An SEO provider should be able to demonstrate results for their own website.  There are many tools that can create useful reports, so they should be able to show results, and not just make promises that sound too good to be true.  Below is a chart that is part of a routine report produced for one of our clients.  You can view detailed results by clicking the link below the chart.

Higher Ranked Sites Get More Clicks. 

Forbes also published a chart showing that position one is worth 3 times, or 300% more clicks than position two, and 150 times or 1500% more clicks than position 10!  Taking on one step further, Position one is worth almost 300 times, or 3000 percent than any position on google page two!

Search Position CTR (%)
1 36.5%
2 12.5%
3 9.5%
4 7.9%
 5 6.1%
6 4.1%
7 3.8%
8 3.5%
9 3.0%
10 2.2%
11-16 1.5%
17-50 0.3%

Farmiloe, B. 2017 “Is SEO Worth It For Small Businesses?” Published by Forbes Magazine December 15, 2017, Forbes Media LLC, retrieved online October 15 2018 from

Harrison, K. 2018, “5 Common Mistakes Small Businesses Make With SEO” Published by Forbes Magazine June 30, 2018, Forbes Media LLC, retrieved online October 15, 2018 from